Atlanta Property Management Blog

Tips For Keeping Great Tenants

System - Monday, March 15, 2021

Are you planning on investing in Atlanta area rental properties? If so, you've come to the right place!

It doesn't matter if you own rental properties for one year, or 50 years, as long as you own an investment property, you will find that you will have at least one great tenant who ends up moving even though everything is going perfectly in your relationship with them.

Tenants will come and go, but the reality is that every landlord can take steps to keep their tenants for long periods of time, especially if they follow these tips. 

Tip #1 - Show Appreciation To Your Tenants

From the moment that you welcome a new tenant to live in your rental property, you should show your appreciation to them by welcoming them with a gift basket.

After they’ve lived in your rental property for three to six months, you should continue to show your appreciation for them by sending them the occasional gift card.

A $25-$50 gift card can go a long way at stretching a budget and helping your tenant to see that you’re more than just a source of revenue for them.

Tip #2 - Listen To What Your Tenants Are Saying

One of the things that you'll find as a landlord is that it is easy to tune out a tenant when they're talking with you. This happens because landlords often get busy focusing on 50 different things at one time, and they forget to take the time to really listen to their tenants.

Any time you're communicating with your tenants, you should take the time to thoroughly immerse yourself in the conversation, especially if they're talking to you about repairs, improvements, or potential problems that they are having at the rental property.

Showing your tenants that you care about them, and are paying attention to what they say, means a lot and it will be another factor that will keep them renewing their lease with you rather than moving on to another rental property.

Tip #3 - Contact Them Early About Lease Renewals

Last of all, but most important, another thing that you should do to keep great tenants is to contact them early about lease renewals.

This is important because of the simple fact that most tenants start thinking about moving on to other rental properties at least three months in advance.

If you take the time to reach out to them 90 days before their lease renews, you may be able to start communicating with them about potential issues that they're having at the rental property before they move emotionally than physically to another property.

Contact JD Homes

At JD homes, we specialize in local Property Management. This means that will save you the time, money, and hassle of managing your rental property yourself. To learn more about the property management services that we can offer you, contact us today by clicking here.