Atlanta Property Management Blog

Should Your Allow Pets At Your Atlanta Rental Property?

System - Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Are you thinking about allowing your tenant to have a pet in your Atlanta rental property?

Even though some landlords in Atlanta may have a no-pet policy, the reality is that it makes sense for a landlord to allow their tenant to have a pet living with them in their rental property, especially for these reasons.

Reason #1 - Most Pet Owners Are Responsible 

One of the biggest reasons why some landlords may not allow their tenants to have pets living with them in their rental properties is because of the fear that the tenant will allow their animal to poop, pee, and destroy the rental property.

The reality though is that the average pet owner in the United States is responsible, especially if they are a renter because the renter who owns a pet also knows that it can be very difficult finding a pet-friendly rental property. 

When you combine how difficult it can be to find a pet friendly rental, with the pet deposit, this makes it even more difficult for a renter to find a suitable place for them to live with their pet.

Reason #2 - Most Pets Are Well-Trained

Another great reason why you should consider allowing a pet to live in your Atlanta rental property it's because most pets in 2020 are well-trained.

A typical pet owner who has owned a cat or dog for years often takes the time to train their pet themselves, or they invest in professional training, so that they can have confidence that their pet will be able to poop and pee in a litter box, or outside, and not destroy the property while they are living in it. 

Reason #3 - Reach A Wider Pool Of Prospective Tenants

Recent studies have shown that a large portion of the population of the United States has at least one pet so if you do the math, it's easy to see that you as a landlord you are effectively opening up your rental property to a wider pool of prospective tenants who may be searching for a suitable place for them to live with their pets.

Contact JD Homes 

For more information about why you should allow your tenants to have pets living with them in your rental property, or to speak with us about our Property Management Services, contact us today by clicking here to connect with us online.